Little Black Dress Bags Blog

Recent Bag Adventures

Recent Bag Adventures

Thursday, February 24, 2011


We very often receive stories and tales which describe events and places which our bags attend on the arms of some of our followers. It is such fun to hear the stories and descriptions people send in. We love to share the latest bag dramas with you. Recently, our Carmen Red Rose Bag attended an opera music event by the Levine School of Music. The story behind this infamous Red Rose Bag arriving to make it to the owner and the event below is a whole other story in itself for another day! Below is one of our latest stories:

Dear S.,
Just took your fun bag for an outing last night.  The Levine School of Music had a lovely dinner and musicale at a fabulous Connecticut Avenue apartment, and I attended, bag in hand.  The rose fit in well with the decor, and it accompanied me as I passed through the foyer for cocktails, the dining room for a buffet dinner, and on into the living room for the opera recital--selections from Madame Butterfly and Don Pasquale by members of the Levine staff, introduced by Ken Feinberg (head of the Washington National Opera and arbitrator of everything from the 9/11 settlements to the BP spill.)  It was a lovely evening, and the bag was the hit of the party!
Thanks so much! 

If you have a story to share, or places your bag has traveled, people they have met, please email us your tales, we love to hear from you!